Disaster Assistance in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
WNG Members have asked us how to help with Hurricane Katrina disaster
assistance. In response, we have taken the initiative to provide a list of pertinent relief organizations.
Unconventional Wisdom - The Tuvel Communications Blog
Engaging Your Customers in Unconventional Ways
Disaster Assistance in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
WNG Members have asked us how to help with Hurricane Katrina disaster
assistance. In response, we have taken the initiative to provide a list of pertinent relief organizations.
On Capitol Hill, the Inboxes Are Overflowing
Many legislators try to discourage mass mailings by regularly altering
the e-mail templates that they keep on their official Web sites. But
the e-mail generators manage to stay a step ahead of them. The
companies that route e-mails to Congress constantly monitor
bounced-back messages as a way to locate the switcheroos and then
quickly change their own procedures to ensure that the e-mails find
their mark.
This comes directly from DC metroblogging:
There’s now a Flickr Group for the Attacks on London. The pictures appear to mostly be of news coverage, but some in there are of the running crowds.