This comes from POTOMAC TECH WIRE
o Survey: DC Cell Users Still Learning Etiquette
Washington, DC — While the vast majority of wireless users in the DC area consider themselves polite when using their cell phones, they also say that other cell users have become more rude. According to a new survey by Sprint focused on wireless use and abuse in the DC area, 98% of respondents said that they are very or somewhat courteous when using wireless phones, while 81% said that people in general are less courteous today than they were five years ago.
Nationally, 62% percent of those surveyed said that they have felt uncomfortable overhearing wireless conversations in public, but only 40% admit they do this themselves “Wireless technology is booming so quickly and wireless phones have become so popular, the rules on wireless etiquette are still evolving,” said Jacqueline Whitmore, the founder of The Protocol School of Palm Beach. The survey was conducted to coincide with National Cellphone Courtesy Month.
Afer you read the survey, take the eit-quiz. I failed.