John Emerson has written An Introduction to Activism on the Internet . Included are easy to read chapters that make it easy to point and click to resources.
Wikimedia Foundation Needs Your Help
Imagine a world in which every person has free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That’s what we’re doing. And we need your help. (as seen on Portals and KM)
The Wikimedia Foundation Inc. is a non-profit
organization with the goal of providing free knowledge to every
person in the world. Meeting this goal through the maintenance,
development and distribution of free content, Wikimedia relies on
donations to run its wiki-based projects.
Wikimedia provides computing and network resources to create and
distribute many reference works including Wikipedia, Wiktionary,
Wikiquote, Wikibooks, Wikisource, and the Wikimedia Commons. The
content of these projects is provided to the public free of charge.
vermin of communication
Amy Gahran, of CONTENTIOUS, has written a really good series on Handling Porcupines, Trolls, and Other Online Vermin.
Contrary to popular opinion, the internet is not really about
technology. It’s about people, specifically how people communicate.
In my time on the internet, I’ve encountered just about every kind of
online vermin. At times, I admit, I’ve even participated in the
pestilence. Over the years I’ve learned some useful strategies for
handling conflicts with each of the major online pests. In this series,
I’ll share these tips.